These Canon cameras are secretly Robots in Disguise 桃園鏡頭收購


These 桃園鏡頭收購canon cameras are secretly Robots in Disguise

These 桃園鏡頭收購canon cameras are secretly Robots in Disguise


Surprise! They’re Transformers

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Don’t you just hate it when you pick up your trusty 桃園鏡頭收購canon EOS R5, only to discover it’s actually a sneaky Transformer? Well bad news, because this nightmarish future spotted by TFormers is actually becoming a reality next year thanks to a collaboration between Takara Tomy (the Japanese company behind the Transformers toys) and 桃園鏡頭收購canon (the Japanese company behind… well you get the idea).

The collaboration has resulted in a pair of Transformers figurines that are able to fold away into surprisingly realistic looking 桃園鏡頭收購canon mirrorless cameras. I say “surprisingly realistic” because at first glance I somehow mistook these for functioning cameras. But in case it wasn’t obvious from their ¥ 19,800 (around $147) pricing, they’re non-functional replicas that are only 80-percent of the size of the real thing. (The idea that this could be a functioning camera isn’t so wild considering Takara Tomy has previously produced working MP3-player Transformer toys). 

A Decepticon, complete with its own miniature camera.
Image: Takara Tomy
In camera mode.
Image: Takara Tomy
The surprisingly detailed rear of the camera.
Image: Takara Tomy
Optimus Prime, using a lens as a shield.
Image: Takara Tomy

Probably my favorite detail is the lens cap, which in both cases transform into shields for the Transformers to wield. But a close second is the miniature cameras both figurines appear to be holding in some of the promotional images, which is a delightfully silly addition. One figurine is based on Optimus Prime, while the other is Decepticon Refraktor

Both Transformers are scheduled to release in Japan next year on February 25th, and TFW2005 reports that preorders are open from now until September 28th. It’s unclear if they’ll see a global release. 


▲桃園鏡頭收購canon宣布最輕量全片幅無反光鏡相機EOS R8。(圖/記者陳依旻攝)


桃園鏡頭收購canon今(21)日宣布最輕量全片幅無反光鏡相機EOS R8!台灣區總裁胡大剛在致詞時表示,這對桃園鏡頭收購canon來說是一項重大突破,因為會改變他們生產的數位相機在無反光鏡市場上的定位,原本在市場上的定位屬於專業、客群屬年長者,隨著EOS R8上市,將導向更年輕化。

為了EOS R8,桃園鏡頭收購canon將記者會現場打造有「座艙感」,這樣的布置是有原因的,胡大剛說,希望這款相機「市佔率能飛多高就有多高,有多遠就有多遠。」

EOS R8大幅減低影像創作者的負擔,單機身重量僅461公克(含電池及記憶卡)搭配超輕巧標準變焦鏡RF24-50mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM只有671公克,相當於一杯中杯手搖飲。


第一,採用與EOS R6 Mark II相同規格的2,420萬像素全片幅CMOS影像感測器

第二,高速DIGIC X數位影像處理器



第五,無裁切6K超取樣4K 60p / 4K 30p

第六,FHD 180p 慢動作影片


EOS R8滿足年輕新世代攝錄兼顧的需求,同時,主打「超親民價位」,單機身43,900(含稅),加上RF24-50mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM 新鏡頭之單鏡組為49,900(含稅),都不到5萬元,5月底前購買單機身或鏡組再加贈首購禮「桃園鏡頭收購canon 原廠隨行攝影包」。 

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