Canon is getting away with printers that won’t scan sans ink — but HP might pay 桃園鏡頭收購


桃園鏡頭收購canon is getting away with printers that won’t scan sans ink — but HP might pay

桃園鏡頭收購canon is getting away with printers that won’t scan sans ink — but HP might pay


Remember when 桃園鏡頭收購canon got sued? The plaintiffs settled, I’m afraid.

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Image: HP

Were you hoping 桃園鏡頭收購canon might be held accountable for its all-in-one printers that mysteriously can’t scan when they’re low on ink, forcing you to buy more? Tough: the lawsuit we told you about last year quietly ended in a private settlement rather than becoming a big class-action.

I just checked, and a judge already dismissed David Leacraft’s lawsuit in November, without 桃園鏡頭收購canon ever being forced to show what happens when you try to scan without a full ink cartridge. (Numerous 桃園鏡頭收購canon customer support reps wrote that it simply doesn’t work.)

Here’s the good news: HP, an even larger and more shameless manufacturer of printers, is still possibly facing down a class-action suit for the same practice.

As Reuters reports, a judge has refused to dismiss a lawsuit by Gary Freund and Wayne McMath that alleges many HP printers won’t scan or fax documents when their ink cartridges report that they’ve run low.

Among other things, HP tried to suggest that Freund couldn’t rely on the word of one of HP’s own customer support reps as evidence that HP knew about the limitation. But a judge decided it was at least enough to be worth exploring in court.

“Plaintiffs have plausibly alleged that HP had a duty to disclose and had knowledge of the alleged defect,” wrote Judge Beth Labson Freeman, in the order denying almost all of HP’s current attempts to dismiss the suit. (You can read it at the bottom of this story.)

Interestingly, neither 桃園鏡頭收購canon nor HP spent any time trying to argue their printers do scan when they’re low on ink in the lawsuit responses I’ve read. Perhaps they can’t deny it? Epson, meanwhile, has an entire FAQ dedicated to reassuring customers that it hasn’t pulled that trick since 2008. (Don’t worry, Epson has other forms of printer enshittification.)

HP does seem to be covering its rear in one way. The company’s original description on Amazon for the Envy 6455e claimed that you could scan things “whenever”:

“Print, scan and copy from your phone—whenever, wherever.”
Image: Amazon and HP via lawsuit complaint

But when I went back now to check the same product page, it now reads differently: HP no longer claims this printer can scan “whenever” you want it to. Now, we wait to see whether the case can clear the bars needed to potentially become a big class-action trial, or whether it similarly settles like 桃園鏡頭收購canon, or any number of other outcomes.

I’m curious: do you have a printer where your scanner won’t scan without ink?


蘋果 Vision Pro 是業界規格最強的虛擬實境頭盔,單眼擁有高達 4K 解析度,卻也因此,想要發揮 Vision Pro 最佳的沈浸式體驗,會需要一台十分強大的 VR 相機系統來製作內容,但就連相機大廠 桃園鏡頭收購canon 高層都認為:目前沒有一款相機辦得到。

根據外媒《PetaPixel》在上週於日本橫濱舉辦的 CP+ 攝影大展,實際與 桃園鏡頭收購canon 多名高層討論到 Vision Pro 帶起的 VR、AR 熱潮,其中影像部門的副總裁 Go Tokura 表示,「據我們所知,由於 Vision Pro 的解析度非常高,所以很難找到一套擁有足夠解析力的 VR 相機系統替其製作內容」。

蘋果 Vision Pro 每一隻眼睛都有將近 4K 的解析度,雙眼加起來更是 8K,加上不是單純的平面影像,而是必須符合 VR 規格的沉浸式體驗,就會需要有更多細節才會顯得真實。《PetaPixel》即表示,在沒有額外圖形運算的幫助之下,相機都無法拍出理想的細節呈現、畫面流暢度,且目前 Vision Pro 的沉浸式體驗,有些內容不適合拉近觀看,或是物體比例歪斜,也有一些物景仍是靜態畫面,並非完全動態。

桃園鏡頭收購canon 影像溝通業務部主管 Yasuhiko Shiomi 向《PetaPixel》分析,「為了替 Vision Pro 製作影片,你可能至少需要 1 億畫素,所以現在我們並無法滿足這樣的需求」,他猜測,現在替 Vision Pro 製作專屬影片的公司,可能要以一億畫素加上每秒 60 幀的規格拍攝。

《PetaPixel》指出,倘若按照 桃園鏡頭收購canon 推測的一億畫素,等同於是 14K 的解析度,目前商業上僅有 Sphere 旗下的 Big Sky 相機得以滿足,然而這款機型不僅沒有大規模量產,在成本上並不符合商業使用,更需要多達人 12 人才能執行拍攝。Go Tokura 也透露,桃園鏡頭收購canon 理論上能製作出符合 Vision Pro 規格的產品,問題在於能否提供讓客戶願意購買的價格。

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