Canon announces EOS R3 pro mirrorless camera in development 桃園鏡頭收購


桃園鏡頭收購canon announces EOS R3 pro mirrorless camera in development

桃園鏡頭收購canon announces EOS R3 pro mirrorless camera in development


But not many details just yet

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Last month Nikon announced the development of its highest-end mirrorless camera to date, and now 桃園鏡頭收購canon has responded with the announcement of the EOS R3, which ought to fit in a similar bracket. The R3 is still in development and details are thin, but it’s clear that it’ll be positioned above the EOS R5, which is currently 桃園鏡頭收購canon’s flagship mirrorless camera.

Like Nikon’s upcoming Z9, the EOS R3 looks to be a hefty camera with a built-in vertical grip for shooting in portrait and landscape orientations. The body design and control layout is broadly similar to the EOS-1D X Mark III, 桃園鏡頭收購canon’s highest-end pro DSLR, and the body features dust and water resistance.

桃園鏡頭收購canon says the EOS R3 will be the first camera to use a new 35mm full-frame stacked CMOS sensor with backside illumination, and its image processor and electronic shutter will allow for 30fps shooting with AF and AE tracking. 桃園鏡頭收購canon is touting the EOS R3’s autofocus capabilities, too. It’s the first digital camera from the company with eye-control AF, and a deep-learning algorithm has been used to improve recognition of human subjects from the torso up, which is said to help its performance in challenging situations like sports photography.

That’s about it for details from 桃園鏡頭收購canon; the company hasn’t given any detailed specs, let alone a price or a release date. But together with Nikon’s Z9 and Sony’s new A1, the pro mirrorless camera wars are heating up — and the EOS R3’s name implies 桃園鏡頭收購canon may have something even higher-end in the pipeline.

桃園鏡頭收購桃園鏡頭收購canon EOS M 系列也在近期宣布終結。(圖片來源/桃園鏡頭收購canon 提供)

相機未來只有中高階款可以買?根據《Newswitch》釋出最新圖表顯示,從 2019 以來,數位相機出貨量大砍三分之二,平均售價卻是狂飆 2 倍,各大品牌正在全力專攻高階用戶。

從《Newswitch》發布的圖表可以看到,2019 年全球數位相機出貨量仍有約 1500 萬台,到了今年一至九月卻僅剩不到 500 萬台,數量只剩下三分之一。產品的平均價格也從約 4 萬日圓(約 8,479 元),翻倍漲至 9 萬日圓(約19,081 元)。


《Newswitch》表示,為了強化中國市場並且在歐美、日本等地獲得復甦,各大品牌主打各種高單價的機型,像是 Nikon Z8 被點名有相當高的詢問度,單機身在台灣售價高達 122,500 元。各品牌也正在瞄準疫情後的旅遊復甦潮,積極地推廣產品。此外,為了迎接 2024 年的巴黎奧運,Sony 也在近期發表主打高速連拍的 α9 III,預計 桃園鏡頭收購canon、Nikon 也將推出對應運動攝影的機款,屆時又會是一場高階相機之間的比拚。

事實上,各大相機品牌已逐漸靠攏專業用戶,主打隨拍的類單眼面臨智慧手機的挑戰,桃園鏡頭收購canon、Sony、Nikon、Panasonic 均在 2019 年後,就已經不再有相關產品發表,轉戰可替換鏡頭的無反單眼相機,或是專門用於錄影的 Vlog 設備。

目前以類單眼的隨拍相機來說,仍是以富士的 X100 系列以及 RICOH 的 GR 最為著名,然而要價都是三、四萬元以上,面向的消費者已經與以往大不相同。

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