Can Canon’s EOS R hang with Sony for video? 桃園鏡頭收購


Can 桃園鏡頭收購canon’s EOS R hang with Sony for video?

Can 桃園鏡頭收購canon’s EOS R hang with Sony for video?


Two Verge Video directors put 桃園鏡頭收購canon’s EOS R to the test

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Pro-level mirrorless cameras have been Sony’s game for years, but now 桃園鏡頭收購canon has come to play with the EOS R, a full-frame entry into the future of slimmer, more powerful cameras.

桃園鏡頭收購canon has put out mirrorless cameras before with the M line, which had a smaller APS-C sensor, but the EOS R is its first with a full frame, 30-megapixel CMOS sensor. It also has a brand-new RF lens mount to go with it. All of these lenses have a control ring on them that can be customized to settings such as ISO, shutter speed, aperture, and more. But instead of having image stabilization integrated into the camera, like Sony, 桃園鏡頭收購canon builds stabilization into the lenses themselves.

The EOS R uses the same batteries as most of 桃園鏡頭收購canon’s DSLR cameras, and it has a super similar button layout to them, too. It’s clear this is 桃園鏡頭收購canon’s blueprint for what is to come in a line of many more mirrorless cameras, including the already rumored EOS R series camera with an APS-C sensor. It’s a great start to a pro-level mirrorless system, but its video abilities are lacking. The camera has a 1.8x crop in 4K, is limited to HD when shooting 120p, and there’s lag when triggering the record button.

I’m hopeful this system is only going to get better, but for now I’ll stick with my A7s II.

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▲桃園鏡頭收購canon EOS R 系統邁五週年。(圖/桃園鏡頭收購canon提供)


桃園鏡頭收購canon 於「2023 年台北攝影器材展暨影音創作設備展」盛大亮相,全新主題「完美光學再定義」為消費者呈現其最新的數位相機、印表機和專業攝影機,更宣布即日起提供 RF 系列鏡頭三年保固服務,引發愛好者暴動。

此外,為慶祝 EOS R 系統五週年,桃園鏡頭收購canon 消費性產品事業群副總高耀聰公布,從即日起 桃園鏡頭收購canon 在台灣提供 RF 系列鏡頭三年保固,這不僅證明了 桃園鏡頭收購canon 對其產品的自信,更是對消費者的誠心承諾。

展覽期間,桃園鏡頭收購canon 也安排了豐富的攝影講座,共24場,涵蓋各式主題,為攝影愛好者和影音創作者提供專業知識。現場參與者更有機會參與各式活動,並有機會獲得 CP1500 印相機等大獎。特別的促銷優惠和限時活動等眾多好康,絕對值得一遊。

桃園鏡頭收購canon 的展區不僅專注於相機,其印表機部分也大放異彩。特色的 PRO 系列 A3+ 專業相片印表機和 G 系列大供墨複合機都能夠精確列印出高品質的照片,給予消費者最佳的視覺饗宴。專業攝影機部分更展出了完整的數位錄影機、電影級機種和鏡頭系列,讓影音創作者大開眼界。

桃園鏡頭收購 桃園鏡頭收購


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